Three Times To Give Your Rabbit A Fiber Supplement

Three Times To Give Your Rabbit A Fiber Supplement

1 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When you own a pet rabbit, you want to do all that you can to ensure the animal is as healthy as possible. There are lots of ways that you can achieve this goal, including feeding the rabbit a proper diet, ensuring that it gets lots of exercise, and keeping its living space clean. When it comes to the pet's diet, you may wish to consider augmenting what your rabbit eats by providing it with one or more supplements. There are many supplements on the market for rabbits, including fiber supplements. Here are three times that you should think about providing your pet rabbit with a fiber supplement.

Not Eating Enough Hay

Many things in a rabbit's daily diet provide fiber, but a rabbit will often get the majority of its daily fiber intake from eating hay. As a responsible rabbit owner, it's important for you to provide a large amount of fresh hay for your pet every day. Unfortunately, some rabbits can be picky when it comes to eating hay. If you give your pet too many treats, for example, it may not consume enough hay. If you're aware that your rabbit isn't consuming as much hay as it should, it likely isn't getting enough fiber. This is a time to give it a fiber supplement.


Like other animals, rabbits can become constipated for a variety of reasons. Stress is often a factor; if you've made some changes to your rabbit's living area, it may be stressed and suffer from constipation as a result. While it's important to try to figure out the potential cause of the animal's constipation so that you can address it, it's a good idea to provide it with a fiber supplement in the meantime. Fiber will help the rabbit's digestive system to operate properly. Smaller-than-usual stools are an indicator of constipation, and fiber should help to increase the stool size.

Weight Management

Many pet rabbits struggle with obesity, which is often a result of not getting enough exercise and consuming unhealthy treats. In such a scenario, it's important to give your rabbit more exercise and eliminate unhealthy treats from its diet. You may also wish to start giving it a fiber supplement. A big benefit of fiber is that it helps your rabbit to feel full, which can lessen its risk of overeating. Shop online for fiber supplements and other supplements for your rabbit.

To learn more, contact a pet supplement distributor near you.